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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Will Spring Ever Come?

According to the calendar, spring is just three days away. The Vernal Equinox, in the northeast United States will occur at 6:45 pm on Friday, March 20, 2015. It marks the moment when the Sun crosses the celestial equator-the imaginary line in the sky above the Earth's equator. This moment is called the "equinox," because night and day are nearly exactly the same length - 12 hours - all over the world. This descriptive term, from the Latin, means "equal night."

I don't know about you, but I am very ready for winter to end. Nearly any way you look at it, this winter seems to be the one of unending snow. Records have been broken, not only in the Northeast, but all over the country with  low temperatures and snow. Boston has experienced a record-setting stretch of snow. The beginning of February ended the snowiest 10-day period for that city since they began keeping records in 1891. According to the City of Boston, road crews have plowed nearly 150,000 miles, and have gone through over 52,000 tons of salt. I'm glad I live in New Jersey this winter. We have been spared the worst of it.

The old proverb says "March roars in like a lion and goes out like a lamb."  March roared in with all it could deliver in one day - snow, sleet and freezing rain. It makes the idea of spring in three days so very welcome.

Spring always brings the promise of hope with it. Days get longer, temperatures rise,
and the welcoming sounds of the robin tell us that the hard days of winter are over. Did you know that the male robin sings a most beautiful tune? Only the male robin sings the "true robin song." He sings it to declare his personal nesting territory. It sounds like he's singing "Cheer-up, cheer-up!" Should you be out of doors early in the morning, perhaps to pick up the local newspaper from your driveway, you will hear the robin welcome you to a new day - "Cheer up, cheer up!" he sings.

The Bible tells us, in Psalm 113, "From sunrise to sunset, let the Lord's name be praised!" (Psalm 113:3 - CEV) The Psalm continues with reasons to praise the Lord..."He is exalted among the heavens; He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; He seats them with princes, with the princes of their people."

This is our God, who invites everyone, everywhere into relationship with him. As we seek him out, he meets us on the way. Through the sacrificial death of his son, Jesus Christ, he offers us pardon and new life. By his spirit, he fills us with joy and peace as we entrust our lives to him; and gives hope to overflowing.

I wonder if the robin already knows that, and so sings with such joy: "Cheer up, cheer up." If we learn to trust in God, we too, will be filled with peace and joy, and can share the good news with others: "Cheer up, cheer up, God loves you!"

Written by Gloria Hohn
Asbury Park Corps


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