Malachi 3:18 And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not.
The Salvation Army, founded in 1865, maintains a strong presence in New Jersey as we constantly strive to meet the wide and varied needs of our residents. Every year, hundreds of volunteers who are dedicated to make a difference in their local communities partner with The Salvation Army New Jersey Division at our 28 Corps Community Centers, 137 Service Units, residential and day camps, Emergency Disaster Services Program etc. Our volunteers are often fondly referred to as "the army behind The Army," recognizing the crucial role that our volunteers play in The Salvation Army’s ability to provide quality social services changing lives in every community throughout the State.
Ranging from volunteering at our food pantries or soup kitchens; administrative help; tutoring; mentoring; disaster response; bell-ringing, distributing toys, organizing food drives The Salvation Army has a wide range of volunteer opportunities to suit everyone’s age, interest, availability and skill.
I am thankful for the generosity and dedication of so many New Jersey residents as well as volunteers from throughout the US, who have recognized the great work that we do and have rallied behind us to partner for our Sandy relief efforts. Over 100 days have passed and the need still exists! The Salvation Army is often the first to arrive and the last agency to leave, ensuring we have done all we can to meet survivors' needs. Extra volunteers are needed almost daily to help with our Sandy relief effort.
Extra volunteers are also needed for our year-round and seasonal programs. Those interested should visit to view our current volunteer opportunities and complete our online application form or email
Volunteer Resources Manager
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