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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Be a Christmas Miracle!

I love working for The Salvation Army!  No one day is ever the same and knowing that on a daily basis we as a team with our volunteers are helping many individuals and families throughout New Jersey with their basic needs.  October is here already and the Christmas countdown is on...only 76 days to Christmas!

Christmas is by far the most busy time for our officers, employees and volunteers at The Salvation Army.  Unfortunately for some, the holiday season can mean unmanageable expenses, disappointed children and empty stomachs.  Every November and December, people across the United States see The Salvation Army wearing its most public face, reminding everyone that we answer the needs of families who need food, shelter, and clothing, and not only at this most special season but throughout the year.  Thousands of families are in need in the New Jersey area and come to The Salvation Army so they can make Christmas a memorable season for their children.

There are many ways in which you can partner with us this year to help spread holiday cheer and help those less fortunate:

§  Sponsor a toy drive – The Christmas season can be especially difficult for the needy who often cannot afford to celebrate Christmas by giving their children presents.  In an effort to provide these families with holiday cheer The Salvation Army implemented its Angel Tree program to provide Christmas presents to children who would otherwise go without.  You can help by organizing a toy drive to benefit The Salvation Army Angel Tree program.  We also have opportunities available for you to Adopt A Family in your local area.

§  Sponsor a food drive – You can make a real impact on hunger in New Jersey by organizing a canned food drive to benefit Salvation Army pantries.  There are many ways you can structure a drive.  You can opt for the tried and true techniques, like holding competitions at work or have everyone fill a paper bag approach.  Or choose less conventional routes like creating a theme, or throwing a party and asking employees or friends to bring a food item to gain admission.

§  Be a bell ringer – Volunteer to staff a Salvation Army Red Kettle at one of our many locations.  Our kettle stands are staffed Monday through Saturday from early November to Christmas Eve.  Individuals and groups are needed for at least a 3 hour shift.  Organize a group at your church, school, college, company, service club etc and commit to staffing the kettle for a whole day.

Helping The Salvation Army is an ideal way to give back to your community.  It also encourages fellowship, unity, awareness and philanthropy.   Why not give some of your time this Christmas season to help a local family in need?

For more information on how you can get more involved and help us help others this Christmas season please visit

Written by Judith Anderson
Volunteer Resources Manager


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